Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Exploring the Vegetarian Option

My older brother became a vegetarian a few years ago, and while I have discussed this with him briefly, I decided now would be a good time to learn more about the vegetarian diet and why he chose to change. His main reasons were due to way the meat was produced. Animals are antibiotics and steroids, they require a lot of water and agriculture which is taxing on the soil as well as pollutant. He also stated that if everyone ate a vegetarian diet there would be enough food for everyone. He believes the pros to being a vegetarian are being healthier, having cheaper food bills, and for him he has a sense of pride because his personal philosophy is reflected in his way of life. He did admit that there were cons to the diet, the main ones being it is difficult to go out to eat or prepare meals that appeals to meat eaters.

While I agree that these are good reasons to change a diet, they didn't quite convince me. His arguments did make me more aware of what I eat and I do think I will be more conscious from now on, making vegetarian choices occasionally.

I enjoyed creating a lesson for myself because I was able to choose something I am interested in, making the learning seem more meaningful.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


I attended Hair on Thursday and I was impressed. Before I went I did not know much about it. I loved the topics they addressed and the characters. Each one did an exceptional job of being completely submerged in their character, making me forget that I knew so many of them. Hair is a great way to raise awareness about stereotypes, the draft, and the way we think. Even though it was in the 1960's, many of the issues are still apparent today. Once again, people are facing the decision of leaving their family and friends to fight for our country. We as a country are forced to think about what we believe in and decide if we will make a difference. Also, Hair destroyed social norms by the vulgar language and scenes centered around sex and drugs. I think it is important to recognize how much a show can accomplish, how much a show can make you think about your own views and beliefs.

Although Hair is not appropriate for most ages, the idea of the fine arts is. These days, standardized testing has become the focus and fine arts are being looked over in many cases. Is it fair for someone to decide that one kind of education is more important than another? Fine arts gives many creative students an outlet and a way to express themselves, and just like in Hair, profound messages can be stated in this way. I think educators need to realize the importance of fine arts, giving it the same amount of importance in a curriculum as math and science. Although I have never been involved too much in fine arts, I do appreciate it and believe plays and concerts can have as big of an impact on the audience as an impowering speech.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Technology--A Do or a Don't??

Today the Internet and technology are a major part of our society, as well as most people's everyday lives. It is also impacting education. I think that there are both positive and negative aspects to the increasing usage of technology. For one, it is efficient (if it is working), gives students and teachers another resource, and opens the door to opportunities one would have a hard time finding in their local library. Also, incorporating technology into the classrooms allows for an easy way to present lessons, for example through PowerPoint's, and make learning fun and interesting by mixing things up.

The flip side of this though is the negative impact of the Internet and technology. For example, in class we discussed how some children cannot spell without spell check. This is an example of the great disadvantages future students will have when they rely on technology to do their work.

I think that technology should be incorporated in the classroom, yet in moderation. Also, it is important for teachers to make sure their students are understanding the basics that technology can do for them, such as spelling and grammar issues. If both skills are taught, then I think that the Internet and technology do offer great promise and hope for education in the future.