Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sex Education--What else needs to happen before we begin to teach it??

Teen pregnancy in high school has become especially disturbing to me since I have been in high school. In my four years, I would say at least twenty girls were pregnant at some point, some even having their second child before they graduate! Some may think that all of these girls were the stereotype of teen pregnancy, the students who are uninvolved in school and seem to have something else that is more worth their time. This wasn't the case. Some of the pregnant teens were my friends, cheerleaders, and good students. I also know that this is a problem in many school systems. The reason this issue distrubs me so much is because in my high school we really didn't have any sex education. For maybe two days we covered the basics, but really I would not say it went in depth enough to address the seriousness of the issue. Because of this I believe sex education should become apart of high school curriculum.

Our society these days is exposed to sex all the time, and kids are being exposed to more and more at a younger age. Many get the idea from shows and movie that sex is not a big deal, and for many, this may be where they get a lot of their ideas about sex. I think schools need to take control. I believe sex education should be taught in high schools, requiring students to have some form of it each year so they don't forget about it. I also think the education needs to be realistic. I do not think it would be helpful to teach abstinence as the only solution. I think this should be discussed, yet solutions such as birth control, condoms and other prevention methods need to be taught. Also, I think situations that many young teenagers may think they cannot get pregnant from must be discussed. Many students are simply ignorant, and ignorance about the issue of sex can lead to life changing consequences. Overall, I think sex education needs to be implemented in all schools as a serious subject to be taught. It affects so many lives and I think if students were educated better on the issues surrounding it, a lot of unwanted pregnancies can be prevented.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I agree, sex education is something that needs to be a larger part of high school. In my school district, we had sex ed in 7th grade, and it was mostly the anatomy and puberty stuff. I think we had one day were someone else came in and actually talked to us about sex, STDs, pregnancy, and prevention. But that was 7th grade. There was nothing else in school after that. I'm a supporter of abstinence so it's hard for me to be totally in support of giving kids all the information they need to have sex, however, I understand that there are teenagers who will have sex, and I do believe it's better for them to have safe sex and to be aware of what they are doing. And schools really should be helping out in this area. The media doesn't, and parents are less of an influence on many teenagers than they used to be, so someone else needs to be telling them the right things too.